
Showing posts from 2016


This semester sure was a crazy one. There were ups and there were downs. And even though the downs were pretty tough, many people were there to support me. Because of this, I got to know many of my friends on a more personal level and made many new friends.   However, I am so unbelievably sad that I had to say goodbye to my senior friends. Since I am going abroad next semester, I may never see some of them again. I know I was eventually going to have to say goodbye, but I’m not ready. I wish we could all stay in college forever!! I am thankful that two of my good friends will be living in Burlington this summer and next year, so I may live with them or, at least be able to see them. And as for my roommates, I am obviously sad to leave them as well, but they’ll be living with me when I return for senior year! Before I left, my roommates and I took a group picture at the antique shop on Church Street! It was so FUN! They let us run around the shop and pick out all of our costumes! A


I cannot believe that this semester is almost over!   Though I was a bit stressed this week, it didn’t stop me from partaking in the various activities both on and off campus! Friday night I went to the Saint Michael’s home hockey game at Cairns Arena in South Burlington. This was the first game I went to this year and it was an awesome game! We played Babson College and we won 4-2! A bunch of students from Saint Mike’s were there to have fun and cheer on the Purple Knights! And my roommate Julie sang the national anthem in the beginning of the game, like she does for soccer games! It was a great time!  Speaking of hockey, my intermural hockey team had our last game Thursday night. Sadly, we lost, per usual L . However, everyone played their best and it was evident that as a team, we all improved and that this was our best game of the season! The end score was 2-5, which is pretty good considering the team we played was made up of all boys and one girl who all actually played


I cannot wait to go home for Thanksgiving tomorrow! I have not been home since I got to school, so this mini vacation is much needed. I am kind of bummed that my friends and I here didn’t do a friends-giving. However, we will do a big friend dinner before winter break! Friday night was the return of Turtle Underground after Jib Fest! Turtle Underground is basically a club/music venue where all of the rock/regge bands from Saint Mike’s play. It used to be in the basement of a North Campus building called Purtil Hall. However, with the construction of the new building, Purtil and the other dorms on North Campus were closed. On Friday, Turtle Underground occurred in Eddies Lounge. Sead, Seven Leaves, and Cosmosis Jones played! Everyone was jamming and having a blast! I am so happy that they found a new location for Turtle! And now, even more people can enjoy it because it is on main campus! My friend Tyler is in a coed acapella group called Sleepless Knights.


Today is Jib Fest! This means the Ski and Ride club here at Saint Mike’s, creates ramps and brings in snow machines to the 300’s field. Then different competitors try to perform tricks as they go down, hoping they don't fall. This festival has been a tradition for a long time. So, since there is no snow and the weather is pretty nice, people participating will be wearing T-shirts! Basically everyone who wants to can participate! And if you just want to watch and buy raffle tickets to win really cool stuff you can do that too! Here are a few pictures I took from the crowd!


The Saint Mike’s drama club presented a devised play called Ophelia this weekend. The members of the cast wrote the play in its entirety and then directed it within two months! This play was based on Hamlet, but focused on Ophelia. It was set in a modern time period and three new characters were added. It had humor and suspense. I enjoyed seeing the performance and was especially interested in the use of lighting and a projector! As a self proclaimed Shakespeare nerd, however, I wish that they had spoken in iambic pentameter. That would have made me happier! This week my dad and brother came up to visit! My brother, Kristopher, was here to attend open house at University of Vermont and take a tour at Saint Mikes as well! And, I obviously took them for a hike on Friday! I cannot believe I hiked Stowe 3 times this semester, but anyway, I even skipped class to do it! Though it was a bit windy and snowy at the top, it was a beautiful view. Kristopher had never been on a real hike be


This week was really stressful for me. My workload was pretty heavy. Besides reading and starting a research paper, I had to attend court and certain other meetings in order to do a project for my media law class. I also attended the performance of Macbeth at the Flynn for my Shakespeare class! Friday my best friend Emily from back home came to visit me! Her visit was the PERFECT stress releaser. I haven’t gone home to New Jersey since I have been at school this semester and no one has come up to visit. Thus, seeing someone from home was much needed! Saturday morning we drove to Stowe Pinnacle to hike! Originally I thought the weather was going to be bad, but it ended up being a beautiful day! Thought it was a bit muddy, it was not too windy or cold. There were many cute dogs accompanying people on their hikes. Two even wore small coats!   Once we got to the top, it was surprisingly very clear and obviously very beautiful! Emily and I took some pictures and had a snack before clim


The newest addition to the Saint Michael's campus is our little library! About a week ago, this cute little box was built and added to our campus. Located next to the Word Garden, this colorful box is full of books that you can take freely! All you have to do is leave a book in its place. I think this is a great way for people to find new and interesting books to read. And if it is a nice day, you can sit around the word garden and read!


Happy Halloween! This past weekend was super fun! There were many festive on campus activities to take part of during the week and on the weekend!   I made my own costume Friday night and I could not have been more excited. It seems weird, but since last summer I knew exactly what I wanted to be… A Wacky Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man! Yes. I was one of those waving things you see at car dealerships. And, yes, I flailed and waved all night long. I actually got so into it, that I cannot move my neck now because I gave myself whiplash. L Anyway, here’s how I made it! First, I bought two pop-up hampers from Amazon. I cut off the bottom of one of them so I could fit inside both hampers when standing up. Then I used zip-ties to attach the hampers to each other since I cannot sew. Once attached, I covered and wrapped the hampers with a plastic tablecloth that I bought at Party City for a dollar using super glue! Next, I cut out holes for my arms (cutting through both the hamper an